🎯Tokenomics BST

Generated smart contracts on Binance Smart Chain

Total supply - 800 M

Seed Funding 50,000,000 Vesting 3-24 Month|Discounts up to 40% Strategic Pre-Sale 120,000,000 TGE|Sale of tokens to crypto enthusiasts ADS Tokens 250,000,000 Redemption by advertisers at a higher rate Long-term Staking 250,000,000 2|3|5 years lock|Profitable farm of early investors Developers 80,000,000 Lock 24-120 Month|Share management Boost Services 12,000,000 Lockup for Boost|Carrying out financial transactions Liquidity 20,000,000 Lock ecosystem|Access to exchange markets Partners&Advisors 8,000,000 Vesting,Long-Term Staking|Product promotion Airdrop&Treasury 10,000,000 Vesting,Long-Term

πŸ“’Presentation - https://boostvpn.org/tokenomics.pdf

Last updated